At its core, the Alice Cooper band is five high school friends from Phoenix, pursuing the American dream with the help of their manager Shep Gordon. Their concerts will soon be outselling the Rolling Stones, which lands them on the cover of Forbes Magazine – and changes their lives forever.
The Band - 1971
A true showman, who finds himself caught between the character he plays onstage, the guy he really is, and the expectations people have about how those two should mix.
One of the primary songwriters of the band. He’s confident, but also painfully aware of Glen’s gradual descent into the abyss, and struggles to get through to him.
A founding member of the band with Alice, he turns the performances into a family affair, hiring his wife Cindy (Neal’s younger sister) to design the band’s costumes.
One of the unsung guitarists of the 70s. He’s a true artist in temperament, and his unpredictable behavior and eventual slide into the excesses of the lifestyle keep everyone on edge.
Keeps them in sync and smiling. As their music takes off, his love for the rich lifestyle – and his choice of women – get in the way of their progress.
He sells, nurtures, and promotes the band any which way he can. Becoming a manager after receiving an offhand suggestion from Jimi Hendrix, Shep is the brains behind the group, and makes sure they can pay for all their comforts. Shep is a true pioneer in leveraging the press to get the band noticed, in the days before the internet and social media. He promotes and generates money for the group with increasingly creative and outlandish ideas, and is quick on his feet should things go awry.